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Churchill Fellowship

Apply for a Churchill Fellowship in a range of topical themes, including education in schools.

Churchill Fellows are funded to spend up to two months meeting the leading practitioners and innovators in their field, anywhere in the world, in person or online. Then we help them to use those insights to inspire change in their sector or community across the UK.

Fellowships are open to all adult UK citizens regardless of their qualifications, background or age. We prioritise those who would not receive funding from any other source, and we welcome those with lived experience of the issue they wish to address. Fellows form a national network of 3,800 changemakers working in every area of UK life.

Applications can be made via our website until 5pm on 22 November.   Find out More      Apply here

On:18-09-2022 Read More

A quarter of childcare providers fear permanent closure within the year, new Alliance survey reveals

A quarter of childcare providers fear permanent closure within the year, a survey by Early Years Alliance reveals. The reason given is historic underfunding and a lack of adequate government support during the coronavirus crisis.

Read more detail about the survey through this link.

On:15-08-2022 Read More

BBC Childcare podcast

The recent BBC Childcare podcast is well worth listening to as it covers all aspects of why we need to provide better training and pay for early years practitioners. It makes economic sense! 

I have listed the breakdown, in subject areas, of this excellent podcast, below. Wendy Scott, our Early Years representative on the NAPE Council very much liked the programme on the BBC Sounds streaming podcasts website. However, Wendy was sorry that the 'Sure Start' programme ('which drew on social services and health services') did not get mentioned. 'I would argue that this would make a critical contribution to the government’s levelling up agenda'.

Podcast link here

On:18-07-2022 Read More

SATS KS2 results affected by Covid

SATs results: BBC - Standards slip in Year 6 tests.

This will of no surprise to Primary Schools up and down the country as they have been monitoring standards all across the year. 


Also the GuardianSATs suggest Covid disruption affecting primary school attainment in England


On:08-07-2022 Read More

Cutting Summer holidays in Wales?

The BBC News article (1/7/2022) headlines that Welsh schools could have their summer holiday cut by four weeks. A market research company's report, commissioned by the Welsh government, made three suggestions:

  • A five-week summer break with three school terms of about 13 weeks, with a one-week break halfway and three weeks at Christmas
  • A four-week summer break with five school terms of about seven or eight weeks. Three weeks holiday at Christmas and two weeks between the other terms
  • A three-week summer break with terms lasting about six or seven weeks with fortnightly breaks in between

There has been concern that disadvantaged pupils in particular lose progress over the long summer break.


On:02-07-2022 Read More

Oxfordshire NAPE's Festival of Voices 2022

Oxfordshire NAPE's Festival of Voices 2022 is an event that over 40 primary schools have sung at the beautiful Abbey at Dorchester-on-Thames this month. Oxfordshire NAPE organised this music festival on 7 occasions, over six days in June. This meant that children could benefit from the experience of singing together as one massed choir accompanied by a small group of musicians. For instance, on Monday 20th June, seven schools sang together! The Oxfordshire branch should be congratulated in managing to bring schools together over 36 years, this is quite a feat! I am sure that parents, grandparents and children over those years are most grateful for the hard work that has been put in by the NAPE Committee for this to occur. If you watch the video about the FOV (2019) you will find out that a participating singer who then trained to be a teacher still brings her school to FOV! I thoroughly enjoyed it!


This is a past photograph.

On:22-06-2022 Read More

The new version of 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (KCSIE) has been released and comes into effect in September 2022

Keeping Children Safe in Education changes (Sept.2022). The Times Educational Supplement has alerted schools to ten changes to KCSIE for September.

On:28-05-2022 Read More

OFSTED piling on the pressure on ITT Institutions

Has OFSTED got it wrong? Well after the trouble OFSTED are in for insisting that future teacher-training should ONLY include synthetic phonics for the teaching of reading, OFSTED is now being critised for ITT accreditation.

This article says it all.

On:21-05-2022 Read More

The Queens Platinum Jubilee book for children

The Queen's Platinum Jubillee celebration book for all children is arriving in primary schools in mid-May. 'Children in state-funded primary schools across the United Kingdom will, from mid-May, begin to receive a free commemorative book to mark Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee'. More details in the DfE link above.


On:04-05-2022 Read More

Bigger classes? Yes, but pupils have got bigger too, say UK teachers

Bigger classes? Yes, but pupils have got bigger too, say UK teachers. The article reflects delegates' views at the annual onference of the NASUWT teachers’ union that classes and the size of class furniture is not 'fit' for purpose.

On:25-04-2022 Read More

Ukraine children starting school in the UK

Ukraine children starting school in the UK. Has your school started taking children from Ukraine? This article caught my attention about a mother's perspective of starting her children in an Oxfordshire primary school. How did the children get received? What support had to be put in place. Well, there are few ideas here.



On:20-04-2022 Read More

Government failed to get a grip on the issues facing teachers

In an article in the GuardianDr Mary Bousted, the joint general secretary of the NEU, said successive education secretaries had “failed to get a grip on the issues facing teachers”.

Issues relating to:

> High workload for teachers

> The pernicious effects of a punitive and deeply flawed inspection system

> The effect of real-terms cuts to pay over many years


On:11-04-2022 Read More

Is it ministers who require improvement?

It is the ministers who do require improvement according to the Guardian. This is a hard-hitting, well researched and so supported article about long-term absence, covid and life-chances.

Read it here

On:11-03-2022 Read More

Focus on phonics to teach reading is ‘failing children’, says landmark study

Focus on phonics to teach reading is ‘failing children’, says landmark study - Today the Guardian has published an article on what they call a 'A landmark study'. The article goes on to  say that the research has described the way primary school pupils are taught to read in England as “uninformed and failing children”. The researchers,  is calling on the government to drop its narrow focus on phonics. 'The UCL researchers are among 250 signatories to a letter which has been sent to education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, calling on the government to allow for a wider range of approaches to teaching reading, which would allow teachers to use their own judgment about which is best for their pupils'.




On:19-01-2022 Read More
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