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Membership is open to all who have a concern for the quality of primary education and the growth and development of children between birth and the age of 13.

We offer both individual and whole school membership. A subscription which brings joint membership of both NAPE and the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE) is also available.

Membership benefits include:

  • Hard copy of our journal, Primary First, each term posted to our members
  • Email version of NAPE News termly posted to you.
  • Telephone and email enquiries
  • Representation of primary interests to the media through media releases.
  • Representation of primary interests through officers meetings with Associations and government agencies
  • Reduced price entry to NAPE events and conferences.
  • Exclusive offers to members from third party suppliers as advertised on the website


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Annual Subscription Rates  
– Individual and Associate Membership £30.00
– Student In Training to be a Primary School Teacher Free until Initial Qualification
– Retired/Unwaged £20.00
– Joint individual or school membership of NAPE and NATE (All membership privileges of both associations) £75.00
– NQT £15.00
– Small school (Group 1) – less than 151 pupils on roll £40.00
– Large Schools (Group 2) – 151 pupils + on roll / University Departmental Membership, £55.00
– Affiliated Organisations /businesses/libraries £250.00


The NAPE Account is: Sort Code 20-05-74  Account Number 10226084 

to pay for your NAPE membership.



Please use your Bank's online system to pay NAPE directly through BACs (above) to renew. If you are joining for the first time or re-joining but have lapsed, please complete the form when you click on 'Apply Now'. 

An alternative method of payment is by posting NAPE Office a cheque. The cheque is made payable to NAPE and sent to: 

  • NAPE, PO Box 1679, Northhampton, NN2 1JW

We are also pleased to invoice for payment to NAPE if this is to be made from official funds for School membership, details above. The strongly professional character of our publications, conferences etc make membership a legitimate expense met from school budgets. Just email the office  


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