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The SATS effect - Latest research from UCL

The SATS effect - Latest research. The key finds are listed here but please click on the link below for additional information.

 SATs dominate year 6, impacting what and how teachers teach

•  Learning how to do well in SATs – working fast, answering test-style questions – becomes as important as the test content

•  Schools focus on maths and English to the detriment of the wider curriculum

•  Children lose their enthusiasm for learning and grow increasingly anxious

•  Teachers do additional teaching (interventions) before and after school and in holidays

• The significant pressure on teachers forces them to ‘teach to the test’

•  Teachers are obliged to prioritise pupils on the cusp of reaching or exceeding expected standards, at the expense of those who are expected to fail

•  Schools in poorer areas are under more pressure and therefore have to do more preparation for SATs

•  The pressure has not reduced over time; SATs continue to distort priorities in schools meaning children and teachers continue to suffer the negative effects

Research LINK

More than a Score LINK



By: Mike Aylen

Registered Charity Number: 289645
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