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The Alternative Big Listen Survey - Ofsted does not consider changes to improve the Inspection process

The Alternative Big Listen


The Alternative Big Listen Survey - Ofsted does not consider changes to improve the Inspection process

The Alternative Big Listen has been established by Prof Colin Richards and Frank Norris MBE. They have been joined by a host of leading figures in education who believe the current Big Listen implemented by Ofsted does not consider changes that many believe are essential to improve the inspection process for schools and other education settings. The Alternative Big Listen provides the opportunity for everyone to comment fully and openly. Unlike Ofsted's Big Listen this survey focuses on school and Post 16 inspections. The survey is open until 12 June and a report of the findings will be made freely available a month or two later. The Alternative Big Listen has been well received by those in the profession with over 5k hits to the website in the first 7 days. If you would like to submit a response just click here to take part in the survey.


By: Mike Aylen

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