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Professor Janice Wearmouth 


In her work Professor Janice Wearmouth brings together a concern for the learner whose educational experience is problematic with a concern for professionals who have to deal with, and mitigate, the problems that are experienced, and facilitate opportunities for learning.

Janice Wearmouth had many years' experience of teaching in mainstream schools, first on voluntary service in Cameroon, and, later, in Bermuda, London, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire, until she changed career to teach and research in universities. She began her career by teaching English Language and Literature, Latin and Classical Studies before moving into the area of Special Educational Needs and Disability and working as a special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and Head of Education Support.

Subsequently she moved to the university sector. Prior to joining the University of Bedfordshire she was Director of the Centre for Curriculum and Teaching Studies at the Open University, and then Professor of Education at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

Currently she teaches on both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Education, and supervises research students to doctoral level. She is course leader of the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCO) in the Masters Programme and a distance-learning postgraduate certificate in education.


More details about Janice Wearmouth's academic career can be read here.

Abstract - SEND and the Law

The development of the special education sector, and policy and practice within the current special educational needs and disability legislative context.

This presentation will begin by discussing major issues related to the fundamental purpose of education, who should have the right of decision-making regarding to the prescribed curriculum, and, historically, the position of children who experience barriers of one sort or another to their learning.  It will continue with the development of the special education sector in England in its political, historical and societal context and go on to examine in greater detail children’s, families’ and carers’ current legal entitlements in the field of special educational needs and disability policy and practice as well as schools’ responsibilities. It will acknowledge some of the major challenges in the area  for those professionals with a concern for learners whose educational experience is problematic and who are accountable for dealing with, and mitigating, the problems that are experienced, and facilitating opportunities for learning.




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